SOMA company brochure

01.水冷乾式ボールミル・水平に回転するドラムに、原材料としてセラミックスなどのボール(媒体)との衝突、ボールとドラム壁面の、摩擦・衝撃によって粉砕が行われる1h/5~6.6kg・水冷式はドラム外装を水で冷却することにより原材料の温度上昇を抑え、色味を損なうことなく安定した品質製品を生産できる。・バッチ式なので粒度の調整がしやすい。粉砕機自体の温度管理はもちろんのこと、機械のある部屋自体の温度と湿度管理も徹底している。 1h/5~6.6kg· In the water-cooled type, the temperature rise of raw materials is suppressed by cooling the drum exterior with water, and stable quality products can be produced without losing color.· Water-cooled type can produce stable quality products without color loss.In addition to the temperature control of the crusher itself, the temperature and humidity of the room where the machine is located is also thoroughly controlled.02.サイクロンミル・高度旋回気流中で互いに衝突することによって粉砕。・大量の気流で冷却されるので被粉砕物の温度上昇が抑えられる。1h/20~100kg1h/20~100kg01. Water Cooled Dry Ball Mill· The ball mill is a fine grinding machine that performs grinding by collision of balls (media) such as ceramics as raw materials in a drum rotating horizontally, and friction and impact between the balls and the drum wall.02. Cyclone Mill· The material is ground by colliding with each other in a highly swirling air stream.· The temperature rise of the material to be milled is suppressed because it is cooled by a large amount of airflow.Crusher 粉砕機

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