SOMAは生産者・茶商と三位一体となり、中山間地の茶業再生・人材の活性化に取り組みます。これまで川根エリアを含む静岡県の中山間地域では、土壌や気候の特徴を活かし良質な茶の生産に取り組んできました。しかし、近年の国内需要の低迷に伴う茶価格の低下を受け、持続可能な茶業の継続が困難になっています。これらの課題解決のために、中山間地茶業のハブとしての川根を拠点とし、私たちは以下の取り組みを実践しています。・中山間地の茶の特性を活かし、高付加価値化を推進します。・有機JAS認証取得など、各種国際認証規格を取得します。・国内外のマーケットの需要に応えられる生産体制を構築します。・生産者、茶商と三位一体となることで、マーケットの情報をタイムリーに生産者にフィードバックします。・持続可能な茶業を推進します。・相場に影響されない、安定した価格での買取を行うことで、生産者の持続可能な農業の取り組みを支援します。・後継者の育成などの人材活用を推進し、荒廃茶園を救済します。SOMA will work together with producers and tea dealers to revitalize the tea industry and human resources in mountainous areas. Until now, in the mountainous areas of Shizuoka Prefecture, including the Kawane area, we have been working to produce high-quality tea by taking advantage of the characteristics of soil and climate. However, the decline in tea prices due to the recent decline in domestic demand has made it difficult to continue the sustainable tea industry. To solve these problems, we are implementing the following initiatives based in Kawane as a hub for the mountainous tea industry.· Promote high added value by taking advantage of the characteristics of tea in mountainous areas.· Acquire various international certification standards such as organic JAS certification.· Build a production system that can meet the demand of domestic and overseas markets.· By becoming a trinity with producers and tea dealers, market information will be fed back to producers in a timely manner.· Promote sustainable tea industry.· We support producers' sustainable agricultural efforts by purchasing at stable prices that are not affected by the market price.· Promote the utilization of human resources such as training successors and rescue the devastated tea garden.私たちの想い SOMAabout
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