SOMA company brochure

Kawane, the mountainous region of Shizuoka where SOMA's head office is located, has long been known for its high quality tea production, taking advantage of the characteristics of its soil and climate. However, the recent decline in the price of tea due to lower domestic demand has made it difficult for the region to continue its sustainable tea industry. In order to solve these problems, SOMA is implementing a variety of initiatives.— Tea growers and tea traders become investors and proactively participate in the management of SOMA. — Be committed to the revival of the tea industry in the mountainous areas and the revitalization of the local community.— Practice tea farming that can be handed down to future generations in consideration of food safety, biodiversity and the environment.— Actively promote the innovative use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the tea industry.— Support tea growers' sustainable agricultural practices by We have also set up an office in Bangkok, Thailand, as a base for our expansion into the ASEAN market. purchasing tea at a stable price, unaffected by market prices.— Train successors of tea growers and revive abandoned tea gardens.— Develop advanced production techniques for stable production and quality improvement through pest control and fertilizer design suitable for organic farming.— Promote high value-added Matcha production by taking advantage of the characteristics of tea in the mountainous areas.— Provide timely feedback on market information to tea growers by working in close cooperation with tea growers and tea traders.

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