SOMA has established a competitive production system through a three-way collaboration among growers and tea dealers, in order to meet the massive demand for organic matcha both domestically and internationally.Our factory is one of the largest Matcha factories in Japan and the first in the country to offer a one-stop service for the export of organic Matcha under international quality control standards. Moreover, we are also one of the largest single producers of organic Tencha (the green tea leaves used to make matcha) in Japan, and is based on a direct relationship with each farmer, ensuring full transparency and traceability down to the specific farmers who contribute leaves to each production lot. The participants have a total of 80 hectares of organic Tencha gardens, with a capacity to produce 300 tonnes of organic Matcha per year, and both acreage and production will continue to grow. As partners in SOMA, the tea traders and farmers work together intimately -traders provide farmers with feedback from clients, and together we adjust cultivation and production techniques such as the design of fertilizers, pest control systems and production processes to improve quality and optimize tea production for each market. SOMA's mission is to preserve local culture and tradition, and revitalise local areas by ensuring that market price variation does not affect the price of tea for farmers, thereby developing the tea industry into an attractive, profitable and value-added business that will attract the next generation to the industry -our biggest challenge in the aging and urbanizing Japanese society.
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