SOMA company brochure

Inspections: In order to protect the quality and safety of our products not only in our processes but also throughout the supply chain, we conduct the following inspections at various steps.Moisture: Measured by atmospheric pressure heat drying method and near infrared analysis. Moisture has a great influence on the quality of raw materials and products, so it is measured for each lot at the time of ARACHA(raw tea) production, ARACHA assembly, heating, sterilization and grinding (before and after for the process of heating, sterilization and grinding).Microorganisms: Tested at each stage of ARACHA assembly, sterilization and grinding. The test items are selected according to product standards and customer requirements, and are conducted internally and/or externally. Data from the ARACHA assembly process is fed back to the ARACHA producer for use in hygiene management at the ARACHA factory. In the sterilization process, the microorganisms are measured before and after the process, and the sterilization conditions are determined together with the data from moisture measurement and sensory inspection. If necessary, we also conduct spot checks of raw materials for ARACHA, products in process, and finished products.Component analysis: Near infrared analysis is used to determine total nitrogen, amino acids, fiber, and catechins in ARACHA. The tests are conducted for each lot of ARACHA, and feedback is provided to fresh leaf producers and ARACHA producers through periodic workshops. In the workshops, the data is used to discuss fertilizer management in the tea farm and the best time to pick the tea.Particle size distribution and color difference: Measure the particle size, color difference and bulk density after grinding.Pesticide residues: Testing is conducted by domestic and overseas inspection agencies in accordance with the requirements of the countries and regions to which the products are shipped. The test results are fed back to the producers of the fresh leaves to verify whether there are any effects such as drift.Other inspections: Since requirements differ depending on the country or region where the product is shipped, inspections are conducted by domestic and overseas organizations according to those requirements.自社の工程だけでなく、サプライチェーンを通して製品の品質と安全性を守るため、様々なタイミングで下記の検査を実施します。水分:常圧加熱乾燥法および近赤外線分析にて測定します。水分は原料や製品の品質に大きな影響を及ぼしますので、荒茶製造、荒茶合組、火入れ、殺菌および粉砕時のロットごとに測定します(火入れ、殺菌および粉砕時は工程の前・後)。微生物:荒茶合組、殺菌および粉砕の各工程で検査します。製品の規格やお客様の要求内容により検査項目を選択し、社内および/または社外にて実施します。荒茶合組時のデータは荒茶生産者へフィードバックし、荒茶工場の衛生管理などに役立てます。殺菌工程では工程の前・後で微生物を測定し、水分測定や官能検査のデータと併せて殺菌条件を決定します。必要に応じて荒茶原料、各仕掛品および製品の抜き取り検査も実施します。成分分析:近赤外線分析で主に荒茶の全窒素、アミノ酸、繊維およびカテキンなどを測定します。荒茶の検査はロットごとに実施し、定期的な講習会などを通して生葉生産者や荒茶生産者にフィードバックします。講習会では、それらのデータを用いて圃場の肥培管理や最適な摘採時期などを検討します。粒度分布・色差:粉砕後に粒度、色差および嵩比重を測定します。残留農薬:製品を出荷する国や地域の要求事項に合わせて国内外の検査機関にて検査を行います。検査結果は生葉の生産者にフィードバックし、ドリフト等の影響がないか検証します。その他の検査:製品を出荷する国や地域によって要求事項が異なりますので、それらに応じて国内外の機関による検査を行います。ity Control品質管理Qual

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